- qtgui
- qtdbus
- qtwidgets
- qtcore
- dtkcore
- qsettingbackend_zh
- dobject_zh
- abstractappender_zh
- abstractstringappender_zh
- dfilewatcher_zh
- outputdebugappender_zh
- dsettingsbackend_zh
- drecentmanager_zh
- ddesktopentry_zh
- consoleappender_zh
- gsettingsbackend_zh
- dsettingsgroup_zh
- dlogmanager_zh
- fileappender_zh
- dsettings_zh
- dfilesystemwatcher_zh
- dfilewatchermanager_zh
- dbasefilewatcher_zh
- dtkgui
- dtkwidget
- dviewitemaction_zh
- dstandarditem_zh
- dfiledialog_zh
- dclipeffectwidget_zh
- danchors_zh
- dgraphicsclipeffect_zh
- dstyle_zh
- dcoloredprogressbar_zh
- dbuttonboxbutton_zh
- dlabel_zh
- dtiplabel_zh
- darrowlinedrawer_zh
- daboutdialog_zh
- dsettingswidgetfactory_zh
- dsearchcombobox_zh
- dcrumbedit_zh
- dcommandlinkbutton_zh
- dsettingsdialog_zh
- dwindowoptionbutton_zh
- dspinner_zh
- dsimplelistview_zh
- dwaterprogress_zh
- dmainwindow_zh
- dhidpihelper_zh
- dslider_zh
- dpasswordedit_zh
- danchorinfo_zh
- dmpriscontrol_zh
- darrowbutton_zh
- dbackgroundgroup_zh
- dcircleprogress_zh
- dwarningbutton_zh
- dwindowclosebutton_zh
- dvideowidget_zh
- dfilechooseredit_zh
- dblureffectwidget_zh
- darrowrectangle_zh
- dsearchedit_zh
- dfloatingmessage_zh
- dswitchlineexpand_zh
- dtabbar_zh
- dlineedit_zh
- danchorsbase_zh
- dstylediconengine_zh
- dwindowmaxbutton_zh
- dpageindicator_zh
- dsuggestbutton_zh
- dapplicationsettings_zh
- dtooltip_zh
- dwindowminbutton_zh
- ddrawer_zh
- dtitlebar_zh
- dsimplelistitem_zh
- dpicturesequenceview_zh
Detailed Description
DFileDialog 类提供了一个可供用户选择文件或目录的对话框.
你也可以通过 和 来为文件选择框增加额外的输入内容控件,并通过 和 来得到用户所输入的值。
DFileDialog(int *parent, const QString &caption, const QString &directory, const QString &filter)
Detailed Description
Detailed Description
void addComboBox(const QString &text, const int &data)
Add an extra ComboBox widget to the DFileDialog
为文件选择框追加一个下拉单选框 text ComboBox description text (as key for getting value). data ComboBox options in a string list
text 追加选项的描述文字(作为键) data 多选框的选项列表
void addComboBox(const QString &text, const DFileDialog::DComboBoxOptions &options)
Add an extra ComboBox widget to the DFileDialog
为文件选择框追加一个下拉单选框 text ComboBox description text (as key for getting value). options ComboBox data
text 追加选项的描述文字(作为键) options 多选框的属性信息
void addLineEdit(const QString &text)
Add an extra LineEdit widget to the DFileDialog
为文件选择框追加一个输入框 text LineEdit description text (as key for getting value). text 追加选项的描述文字(作为键)
void addLineEdit(const QString &text, const DFileDialog::DLineEditOptions &options)
Add an extra LineEdit widget to the DFileDialog
为文件选择框追加一个输入框 text LineEdit description text (as key for getting value). options LineEdit data
text 追加选项的描述文字(作为键) options 输入框的属性信息
void setAllowMixedSelection(bool on)
Allow mixed selection Allow user choose files and folders at the same time when selecting multiple files. By default user can only select files (folder not included) when selecting multiple files.
Notice that this option only works when file mode is QFileDialog::ExistingFiles
on enable this feature or not.
QString getComboBoxValue(const QString &text) const
Get the added extra ComboBox value
获得所追加的额外多选框的值 text The description (key) of the ComboBox. text 所追加的多选框的描述名(作为键)
See also addComboBox()
QString getLineEditValue(const QString &text) const
Get the added extra LineEdit value
获得所追加的额外输入框的值 text The description (key) of the ComboBox. text 所追加的多选框的描述名(作为键)
See also addLineEdit()
void setVisible(bool visible)