- qtgui
- qtdbus
- qtwidgets
- qtcore
- dtkcore
- qsettingbackend_zh
- dobject_zh
- abstractappender_zh
- abstractstringappender_zh
- dfilewatcher_zh
- outputdebugappender_zh
- dsettingsbackend_zh
- drecentmanager_zh
- ddesktopentry_zh
- consoleappender_zh
- gsettingsbackend_zh
- dsettingsgroup_zh
- dlogmanager_zh
- fileappender_zh
- dsettings_zh
- dfilesystemwatcher_zh
- dfilewatchermanager_zh
- dbasefilewatcher_zh
- dtkgui
- dtkwidget
- dviewitemaction_zh
- dstandarditem_zh
- dfiledialog_zh
- dclipeffectwidget_zh
- danchors_zh
- dgraphicsclipeffect_zh
- dstyle_zh
- dcoloredprogressbar_zh
- dbuttonboxbutton_zh
- dlabel_zh
- dtiplabel_zh
- darrowlinedrawer_zh
- daboutdialog_zh
- dsettingswidgetfactory_zh
- dsearchcombobox_zh
- dcrumbedit_zh
- dcommandlinkbutton_zh
- dsettingsdialog_zh
- dwindowoptionbutton_zh
- dspinner_zh
- dsimplelistview_zh
- dwaterprogress_zh
- dmainwindow_zh
- dhidpihelper_zh
- dslider_zh
- dpasswordedit_zh
- danchorinfo_zh
- dmpriscontrol_zh
- darrowbutton_zh
- dbackgroundgroup_zh
- dcircleprogress_zh
- dwarningbutton_zh
- dwindowclosebutton_zh
- dvideowidget_zh
- dfilechooseredit_zh
- dblureffectwidget_zh
- darrowrectangle_zh
- dsearchedit_zh
- dfloatingmessage_zh
- dswitchlineexpand_zh
- dtabbar_zh
- dlineedit_zh
- danchorsbase_zh
- dstylediconengine_zh
- dwindowmaxbutton_zh
- dpageindicator_zh
- dsuggestbutton_zh
- dapplicationsettings_zh
- dtooltip_zh
- dwindowminbutton_zh
- ddrawer_zh
- dtitlebar_zh
- dsimplelistitem_zh
- dpicturesequenceview_zh
Detailed Description
Handling desktop entry files. DDesktopEntry provide method for handling XDG desktop entry read and write. The interface of this class is similar to QSettings.
For more details about the spec itself, please refer to: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html
void qt_check_for_QGADGET_macro()
typedef DDesktopEntry::QtGadgetHelper
void qt_static_metacall(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call , int , void **)
DDesktopEntry(const QString &filePath)
bool save() const
Write back data to the desktop entry file. Returns true if write success; otherwise returns false.
DDesktopEntry::Status status() const
Get data parse status Returns a status code indicating the first error that was met by DDesktopEntry , or QSettings::NoError if no error occurred.
Be aware that DDesktopEntry delays performing some operations.
See also setStatus()
QStringList keys(const QString §ion) const
Get a list of all section keys inside the given section. Returns all available section keys.
QStringList allGroups(bool sorted) const
Get a list of all section groups inside the desktop entry. If sorted is set to true, the returned result will keep the order as-is when reading the entry file.
Returns all available section groups.
bool contains(const QString &key, const QString §ion) const
Check if the desktop entry file have the given section contains the given key Returns true if the desktop entry contains the key in section; otherwise returns false.
QString name() const
Returns the localized string value of the "Name" key under "Desktop Entry" section. It's equivalent to calling localizedValue ("Name").
See also localizedValue() genericName() ddeDisplayName()
QString genericName() const
Returns the localized string value of the "GenericName" key under "Desktop Entry" section. It's equivalent to calling localizedValue ("GenericName"). It will NOT fallback to "Name" if "GenericName" is not existed.
See also localizedValue() name() ddeDisplayName()
QString ddeDisplayName() const
Display name specially for DDE applications. This will check "X-Deepin-Vendor" and will return the localized string value of "GenericName" if "X-Deepin-Vendor" is "deepin", or it will return the localized string value of "Name".
See also localizedValue() name() genericName()
QString comment() const
Returns the localized string value of the "Comment" key under "Desktop Entry" section. It's equivalent to calling localizedValue ("Comment").
See also localizedValue()
QString rawValue(const QString &key, const QString §ion, const QString &defaultValue) const
Returns the raw string value associated with the given key in section. If the entry contains no item with the key, the function returns a default-constructed value.
See also setRawValue() stringValue() localizedValue() stringListValue()
QString stringValue(const QString &key, const QString §ion, const QString &defaultValue) const
Returns the unescaped string value associated with the given key in section. If the entry contains no item with the key, the function returns a default-constructed value.
See also setStringValue() rawValue() localizedValue() stringListValue()
QString localizedValue(const QString &key, const QString &localeKey, const QString §ion, const QString &defaultValue) const
Returns the localized string value associated with the given key and localeKey in section. If the given localeKey can't be found, it will fallback to "C", if still cannot found, will fallback to the key without localeKey.
If the entry contains no item with the key, the function returns a default-constructed value.
See also setLocalizedValue() rawValue() stringValue() stringListValue()
QString localizedValue(const QString &key, const QLocale &locale, const QString §ion, const QString &defaultValue) const
Returns the localized string value associated with the given key and locale in section. If the given locale can't be found, it will fallback to "C", if still cannot found, will fallback to the key without a locale key.
If the entry contains no item with the key, the function returns a default-constructed value.
See also setLocalizedValue() rawValue() stringValue() stringListValue()
QStringList stringListValue(const QString &key, const QString §ion) const
Returns a list of strings associated with the given key in the given section. If the entry contains no item with the key, the function returns a empty string list.
See also setRawValue() rawValue() stringValue() localizedValue()
bool setRawValue(const QString &value, const QString &key, const QString §ion) See also rawValue()
bool setStringValue(const QString &value, const QString &key, const QString §ion) See also stringValue()
bool setLocalizedValue(const QString &value, const QString &localeKey, const QString &key, const QString §ion) See also localizedValue()
bool removeEntry(const QString &key, const QString §ion)
QString & escape(QString &str)
QString & escapeExec(QString &str)
QString & unescape(QString &str, bool unescapeSemicolons)
QString & unescapeExec(QString &str)
bool setStatus(const DDesktopEntry::Status &status) See also status()
DDesktopEntryPrivate * d_func()
const DDesktopEntryPrivate * d_func() const