DTK library for device.

dtkinputdevices module


dtkinputdevices provides access to input devices and global input settings on deepin and uos.


There are 9 classes in this module:

  • DInputDeviceManager InputDevices manager, can be directly constructed
  • DInputDeviceSetting global settings, can be acquired from manager
  • DInputDevice abstract device base class (also generic device class), can be instantiated by manager
  • DInputDevicePointer abstract pointer device, as a abstract layer, it cannot be instantiated
  • DInputDeviceMouse mouse device, derived from DInputDevicePointer, can be instantiated by manager
  • DInputDeviceTouchPad touch pad device, derived from DInputDevicePointer, can be instantiated by manager
  • DInputDeviceTrackPoint track point device, derived from DInputDevicePointer, can be instantiated by manager
  • DInputDeviceTablet tablet pad and tablet tools device, derived from DInputDevicePointer, can be instantiated by manager
  • DInputDeviceKeyboard keyboard device, derived from DInputDevice, can be instantiated by manager


Here is a simple example:

#include "dinputdevice.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QObject>
DDEVICE_USE_NAMESPACE // use namespace
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
DInputDeviceManager manager; // create a manager
qDebug() << manager.deviceInfos();
QObject::connect(&manager, &DInputDeviceManager::deviceAdded, &app, [&](const DeviceInfo &info) {
qDebug() << "Device" << info << "removed.";
qInfo() << "Devices:" << manager.deviceInfos();
QObject::connect(&manager, &DInputDeviceManager::deviceRemoved, &app, [&](const DeviceInfo &info) {
qDebug() << "Device" << info << "removed.";
qInfo() << "Devices:" << manager.deviceInfos();
}); // monitor plug and unplug signals
auto infos = manager.deviceInfos(); // get all device infos
foreach (const auto &info, infos) {
auto expected = manager.createDevice(info); // create device by info
if (!expected) {
qWarning() << "Can't create device using info" << info << ". Error code:" << expected.error().getErrorCode() << ","
<< expected.error().getErrorMessage();
} else {
auto device = expected.value();
qInfo() << "Device id:" << device->id() << ", name:" << device->name() << ", type:" << device->type()
<< ", enabled:" << device->enabled();
switch (info.type) {
// cast to specific device by type
case DeviceType::Mouse: {
auto mouse = device.dynamicCast<DInputDeviceMouse>();
qDebug() << "Acceleration profile:" << mouse->accelerationProfile();
case DeviceType::TouchPad: {
auto touchPad = device.dynamicCast<DInputDeviceTouchPad>();
qDebug() << "Disable while typing:" << touchPad->disableWhileTyping();
qDebug() << "Acceleration speed:" << touchPad->accelerationSpeed();
case DeviceType::TrackPoint: {
auto trackPoint = device.dynamicCast<DInputDeviceTrackPoint>();
qDebug() << "Middle button timeout:" << trackPoint->middleButtonTimeout();
case DeviceType::Tablet: {
auto tablet = device.dynamicCast<DInputDeviceTablet>();
qDebug() << "Cursor mode:" << tablet->cursorMode();
case DeviceType::Keyboard:
case DeviceType::Generic:
qWarning() << "These devices is not implemented or recognized.";
auto eSetting = manager.setting();
if (!eSetting) {
qWarning() << "Can't get default setting. Error code:" << eSetting.error().getErrorCode() << ","
<< eSetting.error().getErrorMessage();
} else {
auto setting = eSetting.value();
qDebug() << "Cursor blink interval:" << setting->cursorBlinkInterval();
qDebug() << "Wheel speed:" << setting->wheelSpeed();
return app.exec();